Where we are now
The Consortium is working on achieving the pedagogical, scientific and technological objectives simultaneously.
In the first nine months, we have developed specific tests and we have performed psychophysical experiments with primary school children to evaluate their motor skills, their arithmetic skills and their geometrical skills.
At the technological level, first we worked on the development of a library of software modules for analysis of nonverbal motor expressive and social behaviour of both individuals and small groups of children. The library is necessary also for real-time control of sound, music, haptic, and visual feedback and for multimodal (tactile, motor) analysis of nonverbal behaviour to capture the child’s learning-related affective states. In addition, we worked on developing an integrated hardware and software platform, supporting multiple different inputs and output devices, and scalable to different learning environments (e.g., school and home), integrating the above-mentioned libraries. Finally, we are designing and developing the three serious games, exploiting both the platform and libraries, and applying the art-inspired multisensory embodied and enactive pedagogical framework developed in the project.
In the next period, we are developing and validating the prototypes for the three serious games: one to learn arithmetic, one to learn geometry and the third one to learn together (social).